Try Japan’s latest beauty trend with these must-have goodies
Right now Igarashi makeup is making a big splash in Japan. Designed by the makeup artist Shinobu Igarashi, it’s gaining widespread support from teenagers through to women in their 30s. Igarashi makeup is known for its translucent skin tones, blood colour-rouge and natural eye makeup. Shoppers could ask for useful advice from professional makeup artists if they have trouble selecting merchandises. Makeup is one of Japan's specialities; they make excellent makeup from all natural ingredients which are good for the skin.
IPSAControl Base (Blue) (IPSA コントロールベイス(ブルー))
The base layer under the foundation is important with Igarashi…
RMK Creamy Foundation N(RMK クリーミィ ファンデーション N)
The New York makeup artist RUMIKO uses this product. All…
THREE Shimmering Lip Jam (THREEシマリングリップジャム)
THREE is Japan’s first organic cosmetics brand and it focuses…
Elegance Cruise Lady Water (エレガンスクルーズ ラディウォーター)
The word is out that water-based blushers produce a more…
Kanebo Lunasol Tender Clear Eyes (カネボウ ルナソル テンダークリアアイズ)
Lunasol emphasises a three-dimensional effect with light and dark, adding…
24h Magic Powder Nuance (24hマジックパウダー ニュアンス)
The brand 24h is very selective about using natural ingredients…
Right now Igarashi makeup is making a big splash in Japan. Designed by the makeup artist Shinobu Igarashi, it’s gaining widespread support from teenagers through to women in their 30s. Igarashi makeup is known for its translucent skin tones, blood colour-rouge and natural eye makeup.
Here are some of the products that truly exemplify Igarashi makeup.
IPSAControl Base (Blue) (IPSA コントロールベイス(ブルー))
Retail outlet: Isetan Shinjuku 3-14-1 Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo160-0022
RKM Creamy Foundation N(RMK クリーミィ ファンデーション N)
Retail outlet: AO Building 1F 3-11-7 Kitaaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0061
THREE Shimmering Lip Jam (THREEシマリングリップジャム)
Retail outlets: 1F 2F 3-12-13 Kitaaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0061
Elegance Cruise Lady Water (エレガンスクルーズ ラディウォーター)
Retail outlet: Ginza Mitsukoshi 4-6-16 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 〒104-8212
Kanebo Lunasol Tender Clear Eyes (カネボウ ルナソル テンダークリアアイズ)
24h Magic Powder Nuance (24hマジックパウダー ニュアンス)
Retail outlet: Sony Building, 5-3-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061